
Ubiquitous Aquaculture Management System

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Conference Name
Conference on Advances in Computing, Communications and Informatics (ICACCI 2016)
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Conference Venue
LNMIIT, Jaipur
  • Abstract

Pervasive computing enabled by wireless network technologies span a wide area of applications in modern living. Heterogeneous devices used in Internet of Things are highly constrained in terms of energy efficiency. Aquaculture is a technique of human intervention in the rearing process of aquatic animals. Several natural water parameters affect the productivity of aquaculture farming. This paper proposes an energy efficient ubiquitous architecture based on Internet of Things for an aquaculture environment. The proposed system collects the aqua_data in real-time using sensors. It applies the changes in the water environment at suitable times without human intervention. The algorithm for decision making in expert system is depicted. The paper converse about Thread wireless network protocol which provides longevity to the battery operated heterogeneous devices.

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